Gerald Wirth


© (c) Lukas Beck

Gerald Wirth

Gerald Wirth received his first musical training as a member of the Vienna Boys Choir and at the Anton Bruckner Konservatorium in Linz, Austria, where he studied voice, oboe and piano. As a teenager, Gerald Wirth already conducted a children choir and was the founder of a Youth Choir and a trio sonata ensemble. He was involved in countless premier performances of new works by a wide variety of contemporary European composers. He was one of the youngest ever choir directors of the Vienna Boys Choir and Chorus Director at the Salzburg Opera company “ Landestheather”. In 1991, Gerald Wirth moved to Calgary Canada to take on the position as Artistic Director of the Calgary Boys Choir Organisation. He also founded and directed a professional vocal ensemble, “Sangita”. He was the Music Director of the Calgary Civic Symphony as well as Associate Conductor of the Calgary Philharmonic Orchestra. He has conducted choirs and orchestras all over the world, and sings and plays himself in a number of ensembles. Gerald is regularly invited throughout the globe as a clinician to conduct workshops about music pedagogy and all aspects of choral music. He plays and sings himself in many different ensembles and he can get practically anyone and anything to sing.

In 2001, Gerald Wirth became the artistic director of the Vienna Boys Choir. While he is keenly aware of the choir’s rich tradition, Wirth also explores new ways to create and make music. He has instigated a number of projects involving world music, a cappella pop and film music. Wirth’s first love is the voice; as is evident from his own compositions: his works include three children’s operas, several oratorios, theatre projects, music especially written for festivals and countless arrangements for choirs. He finds much of his inspiration in myths and philosophical texts. His works are commissioned and performed internationally. Wirth is convinced that intensive engagement in music has a positive impact on every realm of the personality, and motivates his students to utilise their potential. Together with close friends Gerald founded the Organization “Superar”, a European movement supporting the integration of underprivileged children and people in difficult social situation through high quality music education. Over the years, he has developed a unique method to teach people of all age groups to express themselves in music, by training their voice, sense of rhythm, hearing and sight-reading skills.

Quote “A choir consists of many individuals whose aim it is to act as a single entity. A concert is only really powerful and exciting when each individual is able to convey his own personality. But if that happens, it’s magic.”

